Algebra II Monday

Grading Policy

Homework, test scores and attendence are the three components of your grade. There will also be extra credit available from time to time. Here is how your grade will be calculated:

Homework 40%
Tests 45%
Class Participation 15%
Extra Credit 10%

Homework - Every week you will recieve 5 points when you turn in all of your homework. You will also recieve 2 points for each of the randomly selected problems I will be grading from each section. I will drop your two lowest homework scores.

Tests - Tested are scored on a 100% scale. The two lowest test scores will be dropped.

Class Participation - It is imperative that you are in your seat, ready to go at the start of class (by my cell phone). If you are not in your seat, ready to go, you will lose 5 points.

 Being on time to class is an easy way to pick up 15% of your grade!

Absences due to sickness or planned family absences do not count against your class participation record.

Extra Credit - Occaisionally, I will provide options for extra credit. If you email a troublesome problem to me by Sunday at noon and if that problem is used in class, you will get 5 extra credit points.

Your First Extra Credit Assignment - Email me the name of the animal on the page that has your first Homework Assignment (due on September 12th.)

You have until Septmber 8th to get these 5 extra credit points.


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